Firat University, Department of Physics, Elazig, Turkey - Turkey
Shape Reversibility and the Role of Thermal and Deformation Reactions in Shape Memory Alloys
Dr. HariSingh Gour Central University - India
Nanocomposites of polysaccharides crosslinked with Ca2+ and their applications in sensors and reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III)
Indian Institute of Technology - India
Colloidal ZnO Quantum Dots Based Spectrum Selective Photodetectors
Monash University, Australia - Australia
Graphene coatings: A disruptive approach to durable corrosion resistance
Kinneret Academic College - Israel
Grafting of Polyaniline by a Dynamic Inverse Emulsion Polymerization Technique onto Reverse Osmosis Membranes as an Anti-Biofouling Agent
Sharda University, - Uttar Pradesh, India
A computational study of structure and properties of bi-metallic nano-alloy clusters invoking Density Functional Theory
The City College of New York – CUNY - USA
High-temperature quantum anomalous Hall regime in a MnBi2Te4/Bi2Te3 superlattice
Singapore Institute of Technology - Singapore
Deformation behavior of normal human enamel: a study by nanoindentation
Anna University Chennai - India
Screening of soil for Biopolymer Synthesis and its application in 3D printing
UGC-BSR-Faculty Fellow Nanoscience and Technology Research Laboratory, Pondicherry University Pondicherry - India
Nanomaterials for high photovoltaic performance of Dye-sensitized solar cells
Department of technology, University of Bejaia - Algeria
Enhencement of photoluminescence properties of nano-sized LuPO4 by incorporing of Y3+ ions
National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow - Russia
Ni/Al and Ti/Al rounded reactive composites for Selective Laser Melting
Research Center of Functional Nanoceramics, NUST “MISIS” - Russia
Possibilities of obtaining refractory high-entropy ceramics by combustion synthesis and spark plasma sintering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur - India
Study of the biocompatibility of two-dimensional materials and their nanocomposites
JNT University Kakinada, Vishakhapatnan - India
University of Carthage - Tunisia
Ru-alloyed pyrite thin films obtained by the spray pyrolysis technique and using low cost and non-toxic precursors , as novel materials for low cost solar cells
Sacred Heart College, Thevara - India
Chitin Nanowhiskers Reinforced Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Processing and Performance Properties
Karabük University - Turkey
Theoretical investigation of the thermal expansion coefficient of Mg/X composites (X=carbide, oxide, intermetallic)
Ethiopia biotechnology institute, Addis Ababa - Ethiopia
Experimental analysis of low density poly ethylene effect on the mechanical properties of poly ethylene vinyl acetate for prosthetic and orthotic application
Del Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa - Argentina
Electrodes for alkaline water electrolyzers: chemical and/or mechanical modification of its active surface.
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran - Iran
Systems toxicology assessment revealed the impact of graphene?based materials on cell cycle regulators